Exclusive Interview with Jenna Lynn

January 12, 2009, by Petra

Jenna Lynn gives an exclusive interview to Freeones where she answers some very interesting questions about what it’s like for her working in the adult industry…

What made you decide to become a model?
I’ve always been in front of the camera. My grandfather was a professional photographer, so I grew up on the front page of the local newspaper, and I have tons of boxes of baby pictures. I think every part of my life was captured in front of the camera. It just feels right. 🙂

Do you model full-time? If so, what did you do before this?  If not, what else do you do?
Yes, I do pretty much model full time. Before this, I worked in a lot of night clubs and bars, cocktail waitressing, gogo dancing, and I also worked for a long time as a diamontologist at a jewelry store.

Do you have any regrets about modeling?
Nope! I take everything as an experience and a lesson learned. I really don’t believe in regrets. I just try not to do things I would regret. You have to think before you make any decision!

So far, what has your favorite job been within the modeling industry?
Man, so far, my favorite job is my own. I get to direct and produce my own website. I choose my outfits, how I want to pose, ideas for videos, and so on. Everything on my site has my own personal touch and if it’s not how I want it, it gets changed! 🙂

Do you do nude modeling? If so, what’s the best thing about modeling nude? If not, what’s keeping you from trying it?
Not yet! 🙂 I’ve literally never taken a nude photo. Stay tuned! 🙂 There really isn’t anything keeping me from doing it, I just like building up anticipation…its always better that way.

What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen while working so far?
Haha I just did a christmas set and had bows on my coochie and boobies, we put them in my butt crack and I did pictures with them in my butt crack bent over. It was pretty interesting hahahaha.

Have you had any really embarrassing moments that you’d like to share with us?
Hahaha umm I dont really get embarrassed about too many things. It’s kind of an emotion that I dont use. lol.

What’s the best part of your job? The worst?
The best part of my job is that it makes me happy. I get to schedule my own hours, and I dont have to answer to anyone else. The worst? I can’t over eat. hahaha

Do you plan on trying anything else within the adult industry?
Who knows? 🙂

Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? What do they think of your career?
I do have a boyfriend he’s pretty supportive, but we havent dated very long. So, we’ll see.

Do you have any pets?
Nope. I wouldnt have time to take care of them! I’m always busy!

If you could travel to one place right this instant, where would you go?
I would go to Cuba I heard they live in somewhat of a time-warp. It’s like going in a time machine when you visit there. I think that would be cool, since I’ve always wanted to live in an earlier era.

What kind of car do you drive?
I drive an 08 VW Jetta. I love it. It’s white with tan leather, and I’m tricking it out soon. haha my next car will be a Range Rover. 🙂

Do you have any interesting hobbies?
Not really? I mean, I’m not by any means a boring person! But I don’t really have any hobbies. I go out to night clubs often, I like parties, I love being social, I’m a people person. I like to hear everyone else’s stories.

What food do you absolutely despise?
Anchovies, nasty. Thats the ONLY food I wont eat.

What is your pet peeve(s)?
People who drive badly, liars and shady secretive people. Ugh, Worst personality trait ever!

What is the last book that you’ve read?
Maxim, haha I read it all the time. I haven’t read an entire book in awhile…

What’s your favorite season?
Winter, I like snuggling and the snow and christmas. 🙂

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10?
In 5 years, hopefully I’ll be producing websites just like mine for other girls, I’d love to direct a few porn videos, hopefully in 10 years I’ll be somewhere like jenna jameson, except I’ll take over the internet side of the biz.

Is there anything else you’d like visitors of FreeOnes to know about you?
yes! I’m very friendly! If you message me, I’ll write back! I love my fans, I love fansigns, I love to feel loved. 🙂

Click here to visit the official Jenna Lynn website!

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